Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Rural Rapid System Appraisal – is another alternative approach in research which is used to develop upland projects and terrestrial project.
ü  Characteristics of RRSA
·         Elastic
·         Repetitive
·         Systems-oriented
·         Cost-effective
·         Entrepreneurial
·         Participatory
·         Interdisciplinary
·         Surrounding
·         Fast
ü  Factors to Consider in Conducting RRSA Projects
1.      Site Selection
2.      Organization of research team
3.      Client participation
4.      Collection of relevant secondary data
5.      Biophysical indicators
6.      Socioeconomic indicator
7.      Demographic information
ü  Framework of RRSA Activities
1.      Preparatory activities
2.      Field activities
3.      Data organization and analysis
4.      Validation of results
5.      Interpretation of RRSA results
6.      Preparation of the final draft
ü  Process Documentation
-          Is the report of the operation and dynamics the team devotes oneself in conducting RRSA.
ü  Purposes of Process Documentation
1.      To determine the activities undertaken by the RRSA team.
2.      To serve as reference on how generalizations and conclusions are derived.
3.      To determine the reliability and validity of the results.
4.      To identify strengths and weaknesses of RRSA.
ü  Qualities of a Good Process Documentation
1.      Chronological
2.      Brief and concise
3.      Narrative
4.      Objective
ü  Weaknesses of RRSA
1.      Results of RRSA are only preliminary.
2.      The short duration also limits the period for gaining rapport with the community.
3.      There is possibility of missing seasonal activity which may be observed on a shorter period of time.
4.      The success of RRSA depends on the experience of technicians doing it.
5.      Sampling of population to be interviewed is also a limitation.
6.      RRSA is at present being conducted from farm to community levels only.
7.      RRSA in rural Philippines is also constrained with the existence of varied dialects in rural areas.
8.      Accessibility of some areas limits the rapidity of completing RRSA.

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