Sunday, May 8, 2011


ü  Data Analysis
-          It may be defined as the examination of data or fact in terms of quantity, quality, attribute, trait, pattern, trend, relationship among others so as to answer research questions which involve statistical techniques and procedures.
ü  Types of Data Analysis
·         Univariate Analysis
-          Tests a single variable to determine whether the sample is similar to the population from which it has been drawn.
·         Bivariate Analysis
-          Tests two variables on how they differ with each other.
·         Multivariate Analysis
-          Tests three or more independent variables at a time in the degree of relationship with the dependent variable.
·         Normative Analysis
-          Is a type of data analysis wherein the results of the study is compared with the norm or standard.
·         Status Analysis
-          Stresses real facts relating to current conditions in a group of subjects chosen for study.
·         Descriptive Analysis
-          Describe the characteristics, composition, structures and substructures that occur as units within the larger structure.
·         Classification Analysis
-          Is usually employed in natural science subjects.
·         Comparative Analysis
-          The researcher considers at least two entities and establishes a formal procedure for obtaining criterion data on the basis of which he can compare and conclude one is better than the other.
·         Cost-effective Analysis
-          Is applicable in comparing the cost between two or more variables, and to determine which of the variables is most effective.

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